Praying Friends,

    Riding out to church last week, I noticed that the gardens here are all green with vegetables that are growing well. We have already canned tomatoes and enjoyed fresh green beans and fried okra. Haitians have put much work into a garden to insure a bountiful harvest. Likewise, our church plants and ministries here are in different stages of growth. Just like a tender plant in a garden, they each need special care from us as missionaries.

    Any successful garden begins with careful Preparation of the soil. We are especially thankful for those of you who labor with us in prayer. It is this labor of prayer that helps to prepare our hearts and minds, as well as the hearts of our people, to carry out the great commission.

    After the soil is prepared, then the Planting begins. Over the past three months, the Lord has given us much fruit in our evangelism outreaches. We have also had the opportunity to encourage the seminary students to begin planting the seed in a difficult area known as Lalom. Please pray that the Lord would burden one of these students to go work in this area which is hard for us as missionaries to reach both physically and spiritually.

    All new seeds need Water and Sunlight to grow. Every day in our Christian schools our little sprouts are faithfully given the Water and Light of the Word of God. The Lord continues to remind us of how important this ministry is in order to raise up godly teens and adults. The government is now offering free primary school education here. We are praying that more of our children will be sponsored through our child sponsorship program so that the parents will not place their children in the public schools. This past Sunday, our church was filled for Sunday school with over 80 people present. After four years of faithful watering through Sunday school, weekly Bible studies and evangelism, and regular church services, we are finally seeing some strong plants with solid roots in our new church.

    A good garden also needs periodic Fertilizing. Our teens were given a boost of spiritual nourishment recently at the teen camp that we held during Mardi Gras. Forty teens from both of our church plants came together for games, services, and food. They were encouraged spiritually, and many of them made decisions to surrender their lives to serve the Lord. Please pray that these teens will remember their commitments and stay faithful to the Lord.

    Healthy gardens also need Weeding and Spraying for insects. Our church plant is now to the point of challenging the people on a deeper level of sanctification. Please pray that the people will respond to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

    All gardeners look forward to Harvest Day. We too are looking forward to the day when we can stand before the Lord in worship and adoration alongside the Haitian people in whom we have invested our lives. Because of your prayers and financial support, you too have a part in this great harvest.


Laboring together with you in God’s harvest,

Harry, Melissa, Benjamin, Madelyn, Micah, and Bethany Peart